
151 Movie Reviews

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Mouses FTW

I agree, my tablet does not do a thing for me, the mouse is where it's at.
With a little patience and the smoothing button, the mouse can go a long way.

Oh and your movie was nice too.

Oh my god.

God damn you inspire me so much.
Everything you make is hilarious and awesome, and your animation style is brilliant.
I liked how the plot kept moving to various locations at a quick pace and came full circle in the end.

This is definitely one of my favorites of yours along with ouch that hurts and stop wastin my flavor.

Just keep making cartoons forever. For eva, for eva eva? for EVA EVA?

Quite Excellent.

Was very good, nice meaning, very well animated (you have a distinct style that keeps getting better, your animation was also excellent in this)

It was funny, and it had a nice culmination.

My only criticism is I feel it could have gone faster, if only by a little bit.
It got repetative (I know, it was supposed to) but in a different way than that.
If you've seen the similar montage thing in spongebob when squidward moves to that town, that has a good pace.

Yours sort of went slow, to medium, to fast, to slow, to medium, to really fast, but it really isn't that big of a deal, the cartoon was quite good, keep at it.

Quite good

This is excellent.
The animation is fantastic, the sound effects are well chosen and sound nice.
It's a quirky little story with just good little jokes in many parts.

I just really liked it as a cute little thing, and you should definitely enter it in some festivals (like nicktoons animation festival if the due date isn't already passed)

Anyway, you've got my five, great job.
BTW, why was there gold inside the tree? was that just to be random?


Yay, a new blockhead. One of the best newgrounds series EVAH.
Anyway, yes the animation in this was fantastic, clean, and alot better than anything before. Yes it is noticably better, so nice job there.
The brushes are all smoother, and the way his conscious looks is a lot cleaner than earlier drawings.

The humor at some parts seemed a bit more forced than usual, but some parts made up for it.
For example, the beginning when he says no to the stopsign, that was just hilarious but where it went from there after the first time he said no wasn't as funny. Essentially, you've got such good original humor, it just needs refining.

Lastly, I'm curious how did you do that 3D effect when he crawled in the house, that looked really good.

Keep animating buddy :D

Excellent Cartoon

Really well done.
The animation was very aesthetically pleasing, it was funny, and the concept was good. The sound was nice, the shopkeeper could have been better, but it was just fine.

I really liked that, very nice.

Quite good.

The animation looks splendid, at first I mistook the style as claymation.
Good quality, funny, original idea.

Only thing that could use a little work was the voices, just slightly
Nice job!

Great job!

Good graphics, nice flow.
Sound was nice and clear.

It was just entertaining to watch, a good trailer.
Nice character models, just sweet.

Keep making flash!

Hi you!

Age 32, Male


Joined on 12/11/04

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